August 24, 2015

Orly Color Blast Belle Collection: Positively Primeval Gaston

Hey guy's I'm back with a beautiful swatch from the Orly Color Blast Belle Collection. This one really caught my eye in the store and I had to grab it. It's called Positively Primeval Gaston and it is a lovely peachy coral loaded with shimmery gold flakies. 

Positively Primeval Gaston with 3 coats and a top coat

 I'm so in love with the color but the formula for me was a bit difficult to work with. The 1st and 2nd coats went on thick and patchy and the 3rd evened everything out a bit more.


I love all the gold flakies!


While I picked up the entire Frozen Collection, the Belle collection wasn't quite what I was expecting. I passed on a lot of the colors because I felt like they looked too similar to the ones from the Frozen Collection and I didn't think the colors meshed with the classic movie. I mean I can't picture Beauty and the Beast without thinking of the shimmering yellow/gold of Belle's dress and the bold dark blue of the Beast's suit. Although I love the color, the formula was a bit of a fail for me so I don't see myself grabbing for this one too often.

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty color. It's unfortunate about the formula. I LOVE Belles dress!
