December 1, 2015

Bundle Monster Duochrome Paisley Print #Wnac2015 pt.4

This is my 4th and last mani for the Weekly Nail Art Challenge(#WNAC2015) on instagram which is hosted by @missbellatracey, @simplynailogical and @kgrdnr. 

The theme for the month is Elegance.

This weeks prompt is: Paisley

I used Finger Paints Surreal Sunset, Funky Fingers Gesso, Bundle Monster BM-S107, Quick dry top coat, dotting tool and Clear Jumbo Squishy Stamper.
Bundle_Monster_ShangriLa_Duochrome_Paisley _Print_Stamping
Here is how to get this look:
  1. On ring finger and thumb paint 2 coats of Gesso and let dry
  2. Once completely dry, use dotting tool to pick up a drop of Surreal Sunset and place as a accent.
  3. Paint 2 coats of Surreal Sunset on pinky, middle and index fingers and let dry
  4. Place a drop of Gesso on plate BM-S107, scrape and pick up with jumbo squishy stamper and place on nails 
  5. Top everything off with a quick dry top coat
Bundle_Monster_ShangriLa_Duochrome_Paisley _Print_Stamping

Thanks for stopping by and please check back throughout the next few weeks for more nail challenge inspired manis!
Did you miss last weeks challenge mani? Check it out Here