December 1, 2015

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Ribbon Nail Design #pcanovember15 pt. 5

This is my 5th and final mani I'm doing for the Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Nail Challenge(#pcanovember15) on instagram. This challenge is being hosted by @starryeyed83 and @ladyandthe_stamp and their goal is to bring more awareness to the disease. All manis for this challenge must include the color Purple.

The second prompt is: Glitter

I used Zoya Aurora, Orly Sinister Sea Witch, Wet N Wild Disturbia, Born Pretty Plate BP-26, Jumbo Clear Squishy Stamper, Quick Dry Top Coat.
How I got this look:

  1. Paint 2 coats of Aurora on pinky, middle and index fingers and let dry
  2. On ring finger and thumb paint 2 coats of Sinister Sea Witch and let dry
  3. Place a drop of Disturbia on plate BP-26, scrape and pick up with jumbo clear squishy stamper
  4. Place image on ring finger and thumb.
  5. Top all nails with quick dry top coat


Thanks for stopping by and please check back throughout the week for more nail challenge inspired manis!

Missed last weeks challenge mani? Check it out Here

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